My first blog!

So… Finally I’ve stopped procrastinating over choosing a Blog name, and managed to set something in motion, so here goes.

My blog will be my ramblings and thoughts, but mostly all about my adventures, of which I’m trying to have as many as I can!

I turned 40 in July 2014 and since then have been challenging myself with new experiences.

Through meeting some amazing plus size bloggers, my whole life, style, opinions and personality have changed. I have become a happy confident person (well, I’m on my way to it).

This past year I’ve been learning to dance, been on solo train journey’s, gone to fashion shows, driven all over the country and taken part in a boudoir photo shoot! All of these would never have happened a year ago!

So… Hopefully, you will enjoy the tales, of my past adventures… And all the adventures still to come!