Posts tagged ‘HotterShoes’
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BCLM Beauties

BCLM Beauties

During the weekend of the 17th and 18th of July I was fortunate to have a wonderful time at the Black Country Living Museum 1940’s weekend seeing friends, old and new. The event was a new one to me and I was very much looking forward to giving it a go. So, I put…

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What’s New, Pussycat?

What’s New, Pussycat?

I don’t like leopard print. There, I have said it. I guess my aversion to it stems from watching Coronation Street in my teenage years and seeing the brash, buxom, bottle blonde character, Bet Lynch wearing pretty much Leopard Print from head to toe. Since then I have associated it with tacky and cheap…

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Hotter hits the spot

Hotter hits the spot

Our feet are so vitally important to us yet we put them under extreme stress and strain every single day. Regardless of what gender you identify as, if you have ever squeezed your feet into poorly fitting shoes, wore skyscraper heels for more than five minutes or subjected your feet to shoes that rub…

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Glorious Gingerbread Goodies

Glorious Gingerbread Goodies

So with the name of this blog, you may be forgiven for thinking that I am going to be talking about biscuits or cookies. Gingerbread is obviously very traditional during the festive time and in past years I have made my fair share of houses and cookies with the children. Oh and eaten my…

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A Step too Far, or Best Foot Forward?

A Step too Far, or Best Foot Forward?

I love Shoes. Let me just put that out there. Like a lot of women I feel that shoes are the finishing touches to the perfect outfit. As Coco Chanel said ‘A woman with good shoes is never ugly’ I have always liked to compliment my outfits with my shoes; either style or colour.…

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