Posts tagged ‘sinkorswimbowtique’

Royal and Regal. His Purple Princeness

Royal and Regal. His Purple Princeness

A few months back I had a notification from Ticketmaster of a pre-sale event that was happening at The Royal Albert Hall. Now, going to the Royal Albert Hall was one of the things I wanted to do on my 50 things before I am 50 and so this was quite of interest to…

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Festive Fancies

Festive Fancies

This Christmas , Work was slightly different. We had a new boss who was a lot more amenable to changes. Being the supervisor of 18 people I asked if it was possible to have a dress down/up day for charity. To my surprise he not only agreed but said we could do it over…

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Superb Seasonal Skirts

Superb Seasonal Skirts

So, I have a lot of friends on Facebook. Some I have met in person, others I only know through the cyberworld. One of these is the amazing Michelle Carroll of Sink or Swim Bowtique. A lovely vintage lady who makes the most amazing skirts, dresses and headwear. I had previously purchased some hair…

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