Posts tagged ‘turban’
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Perfect Pyjamas

Perfect Pyjamas

Firstly I must apologise for the slightly misleading title. I am talking Beach Pyjamas and not the ones you wear in bed! Beach Pyjamas? What the hell? And why would you wear pyjamas to the beach? Well, back in the day it was the in-style for the fashionistas on the 1920s beaches. Originally designed…

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A couple of weeks ago as I drove home, I passed a new restaurant in our town. Mu Mu is a burger restaurant with a couple of branches in our area, but I had never had a chance to visit before. Now I hadn’t seen a long time friend of mine, Jan for quite…

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Turbans Ahoy!

Turbans Ahoy!

So, in a previous post I mentioned the wonderful Pin Up Girl Skirts that I had purchased from the lovely Michaela. The first two had arrived and I was keen to wear one out. Sadly I was suffering quite badly with an ear infection which had left me deaf in one ear, and with…

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